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Frontpage Tenants Door opening service

Door opening service

Securitas: 020 491 2962*

*Exceptions: Itämerenkatu 12, Santakuja 3 and Selkämerenkatu 6. Instructions.

Did you forget your key inside?

Our door opening service guarantees that you have access to your apartment even if temporarily you are not in possession of your apartments key. If you have completely lost your key, you have a responsibility to inform us about it without delay. If you have lost your key, follow these instructions.

In most of our properties the door opening service is managed by Securitas. However, there are some exceptions. See the exceptions and instructions for them on the bottom of this page.

How do I request the door opening service?

Call Securitas at 020 491 2962.

The cost of calling a business number beginning with 0204 from Finland is 8,35 cents/call + 16,69 cents/min. (Traficom, 2023)

How much does the door opening cost and how is it paid?

Door opening service price is 32 euros.

When the Securitas guard arrives to open the door for you, they will provide you with a service agreement. Following this, they will send an invoice to you via letter post. Payment method is a bank transfer as stated on the invoice. If you have questions about the invoice, please contact Securitas directly:

What if I pay the bill late?

If you don’t pay the invoice by the date stated on the invoice, Securitas sends you one payment reminder. The reminder fee is 5 euros which is added to the invoice.

If the invoice is not paid after the reminder, the payment collection will be transferred to Hoas. We will charge you 53 euros for an unpaid door opening fee. The cost includes invoice from Securitas to Hoas (47 €) and processing fee (6 €).

Who can request a door opening service?

You must be officially registered as a tenant by Hoas to request the door opening service. You need to prove your identity by showing an official photo ID to the guard.

Door opening for a subtenant

Hoas provides details of subtenants to Securitas. Remember to provide us with the subletting agreement on time so the subtenant can request the door opening if needed.

Door opening with handing over the key agreement

A new tenant can request the door opening before the official beginning of the tenancy agreement. In addition to ID, you must show the guard a signed handing over the keys agreement and printed copy of the tenancy agreement.


Contact your propertys door opening service provider directly:

  • Itämerenkatu 12: Stadin Talkkari, puh. 041 502 8858, stadintalkkari[at]
  • Santakuja 3 ja Selkämerenkatu 6: Pestone, tel. 040 8488 991 (24h)

Also, check the building’s door or information board for contact information in case there has been changes. The prices are determined according to the price list of the service provider.