Tähkäkuja 5
Jokiniemi-Tikkurila, VantaaServices
- Internet: DNA
- Laundry
- Sauna
- Clubroom
You can add these apartments to your housing application. There might be a wait, as these apartments are currently occupied.
Apartments available
There are currently no available apartments at this location. You can still apply for an apartment here.
Affordable student homes in a family-friendly neighbourhood
Good availability, apartments often available.
These apartment blocks in shades of grey are situated within walking distance of the transport connections and services of Tikkurila and Hiekkaharju. The area is close to the Keravanjoki river and offers a natural, quiet and child-friendly environment.
The homes are mainly three-room apartments for families and two-room apartments for those moving alone. There is a playground for children.
The house has an active tenant community and the tenants are welcomed to use the common spaces for tenants in Akanapolku.
Basic information
Fill out the housing application
You can apply for an apartment with an apartment application as soon as your study place is confirmed. The application is valid for three (3) months from the date of submission. More information about applying to Hoas.
Tikkurilan keskustassa on monipuolisia palveluja supermarketeista ravintoloihin ja erikoiskauppoihin. Kehärata tarjoaa kätevät ja nopeat junayhteydet, minkä lisäksi bussiverkosto on kattava.