Harustie 7
Rastila, Helsinki- Low
- Condition: good
- Elevator
- Internet: DNA
- Laundry
- Sauna
- Clubroom
You can add these apartments to your housing application. There might be a wait, as these apartments are currently occupied.
Apartments available
There are currently no available apartments at this location. You can still apply for an apartment here.
Renovated student rooms often available in Rastila
Good availability in shared apartments, rooms often available.
This property in Meri-Rastila, Vuosaari, is within walking distance of the Rastila metro station and is well connected to the centre of Helsinki. The light-coloured buildings stand next to the greenery of the Haruspuisto park, and the beautiful parklands and beaches of Rastila and Kallahti are also within easy reach. Itis shopping centre in Itäkeskus and Columbus in Vuosaari are within a short metroride away. Grocery stores can be found within walking distance.
There are shared apartments, studios and family apartments. Family apartments are suited for couples and families with children. There is a lift in staircase D.
The green yard works well with kids playing outside.
Exchange students
Furnished apartments in this address are rented to exchange students.
The furnished apartments in this building are studios, shared studios and rooms in a shared apartment. In shared apartments each tenant has their own private room, but common spaces such as the bathroom and kitchen are shared with other tenants of the apartment. In shared studio there are two beds in the studio for two exchange students.
Basic information
Fill out the housing application
You can apply for an apartment with an apartment application as soon as your study place is confirmed. The application is valid for three (3) months from the date of submission. More information about applying to Hoas.
Rastilan valtteja ovat metroyhteyden lisäksi monipuoliset merelliset ulkoilumahdollisuudet. Rastilasta löytyy ruokakauppoja perustarpeisiin sekä erilaisia ravintolapalveluja. Rastilasta hurauttaa metrolla Helsingin keskustaan alle 20 minuutissa. Myllypuron ja Viikin opiskelukampuksille pääsee kulkemaan varsin helposti.