
Online services for tenants
Most housing-related matters can be handled through our online services. For example, you can report maintenance needs for your apartment, reserve sauna or laundry shifts, book parking spaces, terminate your tenancy agreement, or provide the account number for the refund of your security deposit.
For urgent matters (such as pipe leaks or broken windows), call Hoas customer service. If customer service is closed, contact Securitas maintenance service at 020 491 2720.
If you lock yourself out of your apartment, call the Securitas door-opening service at 020 491 2962. (Exceptions: Itämerenkatu 12, Santakuja 3, and Selkämerenkatu 6; please refer to specific instructions.)
Foundation for Student Housing in the Helsinki Region sr (Hoas)
Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu 29
P.O. Box 799
00101 Helsinki
Service hours
Mon, Wed and Fri: 12 noon–3 pm
On the first and last weekday of the month, we are open 10 am–4 pm.
Exceptions in service hours
Thusrday 6.2. Phone service is closed.
Tuesday 25.2. Phone service is closed
Phone service is open from 10 am to 1 pm
Our customer service is available by phone Mon–Fri 10 am–1 pm +358 9 549 900 (mobile phone charge/local network charge).
On the first and last weekday of the month, phone service is open from 10 am to 3 pm.
A service representative can be reached through chat Mon–Fri 10 am–3 pm. Helmi Chatbot is available at all times.
Service hours: Mon–Fri 10 am–3 pm. Unfortunately we are not able to reply messages sent between Friday evening and Sunday. If you have questions conserning your application, agreement or payments, please contact us via phone.
Hoas WhatsApp +358 40 6106373
Facebook Messenger
Leave us a message via Facebook Messenger. We reply to messages 10-15 on weekdays.
Exchange student services
Questions concerning furnished apartments, please contact:
Tel. +358 9 5499 0381 (Mon–Fri 12 noon – 3 pm)
Email addresses
Applications, tenancy agreements and parking spaces:
Exchange students:
Rents and deposits:
Condition of your apartment and the property or apartment:
Tenant activity:
Business premises
Inquiries and rental agreements: Service manager Anna Lassus (firstname.lastname[at]
Fault reports: Business premises fault report form
We are here to help you with all housing related matters: Anita, Anssi, Anna B., Anna K, Aurora, Benjamin, Gädlin, Heini, Henna, Henri, Iina, Iiris, Jaana M., Jaana S., Jenni, Jenny, Jonna, Julia E., Julia H., Kirsi, Liisi, Madi, Maija, Mallu, Matilda, Michelle, Mira, Nea, Noora, Pinja, Sanna H., Sanna K., Suli, Suvi, Taina T., Teija, Tero, Tytti and Valerija and a group of part-time customer service professionals.
Administration and finance
Matti Tarhio, CEO, tel. 09 5499 0205
Hannu Mäenpää, CFO, tel. 09 5499 0220
Kim Lindholm, Real estate and facility director, tel. 09 5499 0285
Pia Jaakola, Customer relations director, tel. 09 5499 0272
Marika Nyyssönen, Sustainability manager, tel. 09 5499 0217
Saara Saksanen, Communications manager, tel. 09 5499 0268
Sanna Siitonen, HR manager
Eero Kankala, ICT manager
Maija Sura, Development manager
Jennamaria Pennanen, Executive assistant
Agullana Sanna, Development manager, digital services
Forsman Jon, Service manager
Hakonen Laura, Head accountant
Hayter Sanna, Sustainability coordinator
Janhonen Armi, Accountant
Jokiruoho Hanna, Accountant
Kalm Andrus, House expert
Kangas Daisy, Service manager
Keränen Anneli, Project manager
Keränen Ville, Construction manager
Kivipuro Satu, House expert
Kontturi Tanja, Purchasing manager
Koskela Jussi, Property manager, Technical
Kullberg Susanna, Customer relations manager
Lassus Anna, Service manager
Leuhtonen Hanna, Cashier
Lindström Niina, Service manager
Luostarinen Matti, Property manager, Technical
Mikkola Marko, System specialist
Nylén Emilia, Customer service manager
Oksanen Mika, Construction manager
Pasanen Riikka, Housing advisor
Peltonen Johanna, HR coordinator
Penttilä Rami, Controller
Pitkänen Katja, Accountant
Pollari Arja, Construction contracting and legal affairs agent
Prittinen Linda, Leasing manager
Pääkkönen Laura, Construction manager
Pönni Johanna, Construction officer
Rapo Jaana, Security manager
Räsänen Ville, Financial expert
Salminen Veera, Commuciations specialist
Saukkonen Merja, Chief accountant
Seppänen Sanna, Development manager
Tainio Katri, Product coordinator
Toropainen Helena, Payment services manager
Täht Annika, House expert
Vartiala Mika, Application specialist
Wallenius Eve, Tenant communications manager during construction
Contacts for media
Matti Tarhio, CEO, tel. 09 5499 0205
Saara Saksanen, Communications manager, tel. 09 5499 0268
Emails: firstname.lastname[at]
If you cannot reach the person you are looking for, please contact our switchboard tel 09 549 901, open Mon to Friday from 10 am to 4 pm.