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Frontpage Housing Harustie 8

Harustie 8

Rastila, Helsinki
  • Low
  • Condition: good
  • Most loved


Property includes the following services
  • Internet: DNA
  • Laundry
  • Sauna
  • Clubroom

Images of the property


You can add these apartments to your housing application. There might be a wait, as these apartments are currently occupied.

13 m²
24 pcs
305 €
Harustie 8, 1h
13 m²
24 pcs
305 €
Furnished room
13 m²
18 pcs
464 €
Harustie 8, 1h
13 m²
18 pcs
464 €
Two-room apartment
45 - 52 m²
35 pcs
607 - 698 €
Harustie 8, 1h+tpk
45 m²
3 pcs
613 €
Harustie 8, 1h+tpk
46 m²
4 pcs
607 €
Harustie 8, 1h+tpk
46 m²
16 pcs
618 €
Harustie 8, 1h+tpk
52 m²
12 pcs
698 €
Three-room apartment
68 m²
28 pcs
795 - 827 €
Harustie 8, 2h+oh+k
68 m²
1 pcs
795 €
Harustie 8, 2h+oh+kt
68 m²
1 pcs
795 €
Harustie 8, 2h+tpk
68 m²
15 pcs
808 €
Harustie 8, 3h+k
68 m²
2 pcs
808 €
Harustie 8, 3h+kt
68 m²
3 pcs
795 €
Harustie 8, 3h+kt
68 m²
5 pcs
808 €
Harustie 8, 3h+kt
68 m²
1 pcs
827 €

Apartments available

There are currently no available apartments at this location. You can still apply for an apartment here.

Renovated student apartments close to Rastila metro

These light-coloured buildings stand next to the greenery of the Haruspuisto park, within walking distance of the Rastila metro station. This property in Meri-Rastila, Vuosaari, is well connected to the centre of Helsinki and the beautiful parklands and beaches of Rastila and Kallahti are also within easy reach.

The property has been renovated fully in 2017. The apartments are light in colour. The kitchen cupboards are white and a darker shade. The floors are vinyl plank. The bathroom walls are tiled.

The property's green courtyard has a play area for children and a small sand field suitable for other activities.

The Harustie 8 property has shared apartments and family apartments.

Exchange students

Furnished apartments in this address are rented to exchange students.

The furnished apartments in this building are rooms in a shared apartment. Each tenant has their own private room, but common spaces such as the bathroom and kitchen are shared with other tenants of the apartment.

Most loved: Tenants can recommend living here for their friends.
The information comes from the annual tenant survey. The property has acquired excellent rating and at least 20 responses in the survey.

Basic information

Internet service provider
Energy class
Basic renovation year
Construction year
Facelift renovation year


4/5 Yleisarvosana
  • Evaluate the general atmosphere, rental level, location and condition of the property. Please write your review in either Finnish, Swedish or English. Do not include any information that may identify you, such as the apartment number. Because reviews are submitted anonymously, we review all reviews received before they are published.

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    Fill out the housing application

    You can apply for an apartment with an apartment application as soon as your study place is confirmed. The application is valid for three (3) months from the date of submission. More information about applying to Hoas.

    Housing application


    Rastilan valtteja ovat metroyhteyden lisäksi monipuoliset merelliset ulkoilumahdollisuudet. Rastilasta löytyy ruokakauppoja perustarpeisiin sekä erilaisia ravintolapalveluja. Rastilasta hurauttaa metrolla Helsingin keskustaan alle 20 minuutissa. Myllypuron ja Viikin opiskelukampuksille pääsee kulkemaan varsin helposti.

    Harustie 8 Hoas Rastila
    Tutustu Rastilaan

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