Arentikuja 1
Malminkartano, Helsinki- Average
- Condition: good
- Most loved
- Internet: DNA
- Laundry
- Sauna
- Clubroom
You can add these apartments to your housing application. There might be a wait, as these apartments are currently occupied.
Apartments available
There are currently no available apartments at this location. You can still apply for an apartment here.
Cosy homes often available in Malminkartano
Good availability, apartments often available.
These renovated four-storey apartment blocks are situated around 1 kilometre from the Malminkartano train station. There are also good bus connections to the centre of Helsinki. Nearby are various park areas for outdoor activities and for example Malminkartanonhuippu, which is the highest point in Helsinki.
Haaga, Myyrmäki, Pasila and Helsinki city centre campuses are easily reached by train.
The apartments are mainly two-room apartments for one person. There are also some shared apartments. For families and couples there are small two-room apartments.
A basic renovation of the property was completed in 2018. Kitchens, bathrooms and floors were renewed during the renovation.
There is a gym and a clubroom for the tenants to use.
Most loved: Tenants can recommend living here for their friends.
The information comes from the annual tenant survey. The property has acquired excellent rating and at least 20 responses in the survey.
Basic information
Fill out the housing application
You can apply for an apartment with an apartment application as soon as your study place is confirmed. The application is valid for three (3) months from the date of submission. More information about applying to Hoas.