Frontpage News Page 8 News Search Browse by category Applicants Exchange student news New services News Sustainability 7.6.2022 Participate in the Student Gardener competition and win a gardening set or a 200 € gift card! 3.6.2022 Problems with electricity distribution 27.5.2022 Financial aid and housing allowance during summer 6.5.2022 Apply to be a Hoas host for exchange students! (latest by 31.5.) 13.4.2022 New studios and family apartments in Vermonniitty 5.4.2022 How to get keys to your new Hoas home? 18.3.2022 New studio and family apartments to Kalasatama 15.3.2022 Pssst! For a limited time only: Hoasnet 1000 M -54% 15.3.2022 Information about civil defence shelters in property rescue plans 11.3.2022 Together with the tenants, we came up with ways for smoother shared housing
7.6.2022 Participate in the Student Gardener competition and win a gardening set or a 200 € gift card!