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Frontpage News Become a Hoas host – one host position still available at Pasila – apply latest by 14 June!

Become a Hoas host – one host position still available at Pasila – apply latest by 14 June!

Each academic year nearly 1000 international exchange students live at Hoas homes. In Pasila and Kannelmäki we have Hoas hosts who live on the property to support exchange students and give advice, create comfortable living, and organize events.

Apply now to become a Hoas host and be a part of the easiest and most comfortable exchange student housing in 2024-2025!

What? Hoas host – a tutor in housing for exchange students
When? 1st August 2024 to 31st May 2025
Where? In Pasila (Junailijankuja) or Kannelmäki (Kitarakuja, Klaneettitie)

What it’s like being a Hoas host?

As a Hoas host you’ll work with your pair in Pasila or Kannelmäki. You upkeep comfortable living, give advice and support to exchange students in everyday problems with housing. You organize parties to welcome students at the start of the academic year and a farewell party at the end of the year. Each month, you’ll to do something together with the exchange students, such as a game night or cooking together. Additionally, you’ll manage the keys and reservations to the common areas.

You and your pair can develop the host position in a way you see to be most fitting to the exchange students at your building. You’ll get support from Hoas exchange student services with any problems that may arise.

Who can apply to become a Hoas host?

You can apply as a Hoas host if you are a degree student at a school in the Helsinki capital region and you can spend about 20-25 hours per month with host tasks. Typically, the host is most needed during the peak times of moving in and out, so you should have time to manage host tasks especially at the beginning and end of semesters. Additionally, you are well versed with the capital region and can communicate with exchange students fluently in English. We hope that you are internationally oriented, can make independent decisions, and have good organizational skills.

Why you should become a Hoas host?

As a Hoas host you’ll get experience working in an international atmosphere, organizing events, and get to meet people from all around the world. Additionally, we’ll receive housing for you from the building you are a host at, but you need to pay the rent yourself. As a compensation for host tasks, we pay 300 € per month.


Film a short video application (1-10 min) where you answer these questions in English:

  • Who are you? Tell shortly about yourself.
  • What would make you an excellent Hoas host?
  • What would you do if an exchange student comes to you, and tells that they don’t get along with roommates or neighbours?
  • What expectations do you have if you are chosen as Hoas host?

Send the video application and written CV as soon as possible by email to Application is open until 14th June and we invite applicants to interviews before the application period ends. Add to the subject line Hoas host application 2024 [your name].

Trouble sending the video application? Get to know how to send large attachments for example in Gmail or Outlook. You can also upload your video to a platform service and share it as a link in the email, for example by making a YouTube video unlisted or private.

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