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Frontpage Tiedostava työmaa

What on earth is an aware worksite*?

Construction is done by and for humans. The better everyone involved is doing, the better the end result. It’s especially important that employees speak up – and that they are listened to. Read and remember the rules below. Following them benefits everybody, including you.

*Tiedostava työmaa in Finnish.

Things work, if…

You’re always safe.

Everyone is responsible for safety. Everyone should have clear instructions and the rules should be followed by all. If you notice anything unsafe, fix it and let your boss know. Avoid unnecessary risks and don’t fool around. A moment of inattention can bug you for years.

You don’t have stress or too much to do.

We are not machines and there’s a limit to how much load humans can bear. Not knowing what is expected of you causes stress just like having too much to do. Enough time should be allocated for each task. If you have too much to do or the schedule is too tight, speak up.

We treat each other with respect. No harassment.

Let’s talk to each other like one human being to another no matter who we are, where we come from or what we do. Everyone should respect others, their time and work. Let’s create a workplace we could recommend to our mothers or daughters. Together.

Everybody’s heard.

You know best what it takes for you to do your job better. That’s why we employ professionals with a brain, two ears and a mouth. Please use them. If something is wrong or you think of a better way to do it, say so.

Your boss supports you.

The management’s job is to ensure that you have everything you need to do your job. A good boss is present and knows what is actually going on – and what should be going on. That’s why bosses ask and listen, give constructive feedback and thanks.

Things are in order and not a dirty mess.

In construction, a lot of time is wasted in looking for stuff. A dirty mess wastes time, endangers safety and bugs you. When everything is in the right place at the right time, we save time, money and hassle.

You get the info you need easily and in time.

Nobody can do their job, if they don’t know what should be done, when and where. A proper briefing is the foundation of a good worksite. The situational picture should be open to everyone. Schedules should be on display for all to see. Let’s meet and talk things through daily.

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