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Frontpage Form entries

Talonpojantie 10 B 043 answer summary

We value
Own dishes and kitchenware, Your own room is a private space, Informing visitors beforehand, The conversation
We keep our apartment quiet
Our cleaning philosophy
We keep our home clean
Together we like to
Party, Enjoy a cup of tea, Cook, Play board games
Greetings to the future resident
Hi, My name is Panos from Greece, and I am an MSc student in Genetics at the University of Helsinki. I have lived in Finland for the last couple of years, so I have immersed myself in the Finnish culture and nature. My Finnish language skills are limited, but I am fluent in English, so there shouldn't be a problem! I value a clean and tidy home, especially in the common areas of the kitchen and the bathroom. For me, and for previous tenants, having a clean and tidy bathroom is unnegotiable. The kitchen space is spacious, with a lot of cupboards and drawers. We always clean our own dishes, cups, and plates. It is ok to leave the dishes in the sink after we cook something if we are busy, but they are expected to be cleaned as soon as possible (e.g., within a day or the next day max). Small utensils (e.g., spoons, forks) can be shared sometimes, but pots, pans, cups, mugs, and other cooking stuff are for one's own use (each tenant has his own). Nevertheless, communication is always the key, so I cherish lovely conversations, assistance whenever it is needed, and also doing things together if the hobbies and habits align, of course. Please feel free to ask me any questions beforehand about moving in, and other matters. Always happy to help! Cheers, Panos

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