New student homes coming to the best locations in Helsinki region
Hoas builds annually approximately 500 apartments near schools and close to good public transport connections. Most of the new Hoas homes are studio or two-room apartments. Cozy common areas are important part of the new buildings: multi-function club rooms, lounge and study rooms within the laundry and relaxing sauna areas. When building new homes we use modern, energy efficient techniques and insulation. Sustainable development is important to us and we are increasing timber construction and usage of clean energy.
Coming 2025–2027
(estimated schedules)
Hopeakaivoksentie, Laajasalo, Helsinki
Homes for nearly 140 students in Laajasalo are expected to be finished in spring 2026.
Riihitontuntie 9, Niittykumpu, Espoo
Espoon Niittykumpuun valmistuu vuoden 2026 keväällä 236 uutta opiskelijakotia. Homes for 236 students in Niittykumpu, Espoo are expected to be finished in the spring of 2026.
Gotlanninkatu 1, Itäkeskus, Helsinki
Located near the Easton mall at Gotlanninkatu Itäkeskus, this property will consist of 174 apartments and is expected to be finished by summer of 2026.
Huippu-kortteli, Pasila, Helsinki
Three high-rise buildings will be built up in Pasila with homes for nearly 400 students. Most of the apartments will be studios, and additionally the block will have several common areas such as a reading room, multi-purpose room, and saunas.
Huippu will be completed in three phases, with the first phase scheduled for completion at the end of September 2025. Renting is expected to begin in summer 2025.
Muotokuvankatu 5, Kuninkaantammi, Helsinki
Four wooden apartment buildings in Kuninkaantammi are expected to be finished in spring 2027.
Miestentie 2, Otaniemi, Espoo
A property is planned in Otaniemi with nearly 200 apartments. The property is expected to be finished at the end of 2027.