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Frontpage Tenants Losing your key

Losing your key

If you lose your key and can’t enter your apartment, call Securitas door-opening service.

Report lost key in MyHoas or Service Center

Always let us know as soon as you notice that you have lost your key. Report all lost keys, including keys such as parking space or garbage system key. Keep in mind where and when you suspect you lost your key, or you noticed that your key is missing.

Report lost key with form in MyHoas (see instructions) or in Hoas Service Center.

Payment for lost key

The cost of lost key will be invoiced from tenant. Costs come from e.g., the new key. If we need to re-pin the locks for safety reasons, this cost will also be charged to tenant. We will charge according to our tenant charge sheet.

We will email you the invoice.

I locked myself out

If you lock yourself out of your room or apartment, call the Securitas door-opening service.

Lost key of a subtenant

If your subtenant loses their key, they must contact the primary tenant. Primary tenant is responsible for the apartment even during subleasing, so they must report the lost key in MyHoas.

Subtenant can pick up a new key with a power of attorney that is signed by the primary tenant, or the primary tenant can pick up the key.

If the subtenant loses the key, the costs of new key and possible re-pinning will be invoiced from the primary tenant. If you are planning to sublease your apartment, carefully read our instructions for subleasing. We recommend that the primary tenant and subtenant agree on how to manage these types of situations before the sublease begins.