Urgent need to change apartment
If you are a tenant in Hoas apartment and you have an urgent need to change to another apartment due to military or civil service, divorce or separation, or pregnancy, we aim to find you a new apartment as soon as possible.
New apartments are offered depending on the current situation. Location and type of apartment may not be what you wished for on your application.
If you are in an urgent need to change to another apartment, fill application and choose the reason for applying:
- Divorce or separation
- Preganancy
Attach to the application a certificate of the grounds for applying. See below what documents are required in different situations.
When you are applying for a new apartment with an urgent need, we can make you an offer for only one apartment. If you do not accept the offer, but wish to continue applying, change the reason for applying on the application form.
Previously the urgent need to change apartment has been called a transfer of right to occupancy. Transfer of right to occupancy means urgent need to change apartment.
Divorce or separation is a reason for an urgent need to change apartment. Both participants in the tenancy agreement has to terminate their tenancy on their own behalf unless one of the tenants wishes to stay in the apartment during the lessor’s notice period. If that is the case, the tenant who is staying does not need to termainate their tenancy. Read more about spouse moving out.
In case of divorce or separation you don’t have to add certificate of the grounds for applying to your application.
Pregnancy is a reason for an urgent need to change apartment. You can fill the application as soon as the preganancy has been confirmed. We may not be able to offer you an apartment before your due date.
When applying for an apartment with an urgent need due to pregnancy, attach to your application a pregnancy certificate indicating the expected date of delivery.
Other reasons
Other reasons do not qualify for an urgent apartment change. If, for example, you leave for military or civil service, an exchange program, or an internship outside the Helsinki metropolitan area, you can either keep your apartment and continue paying rent as usual, or sublet the apartment if you wish.
- Read more: Subleasing
If you apply with an urgent need to change apartment we offer you only one apartment. It may be that the apartment differs from what you have wished for on your application in regards to location or the apartment type. If you are looking only for a certain type of apartment or location we ask you to change your reason for applying to something other than military or civil service, divorce or separation, or pregnancy.
If you choose to not to accept the apartment we offer, you can continue applying for an apartment with a different reason. Update your application and change the reason for applying to something other than military or civil service, divorce or separation, or pregnancy. When the reason for applying is not one of the previous ones, you have no priority status to other applicants and we can’t guarantee that you will be offered an apartment.
Your current tenancy agreement will not be automatically terminated. You must always terminate it yourself by filling the termination of agreement form. The notice period is one calendar month. Read more: Termination of tenancy.